Phantom Rose is the Flagship sim for the Estate:
The Graveyard, Voodoo Marie's, The Ruins (ballroom), the Opera House, Serenity Beach (tai chi, yoga, meditation), Swimming in any of the waters, Custom House Blues, Big Easy Jazz, The Vieux Carre Gardens and Boutiques, Gilt Stores, Rock the Dock (oldies, swimming), the Bird Sanctuary, and boating thru out Phantom Rose Estates and the Iz's Oceans. For more information on these attractions, click the Links on the left side. Phantom Rose is proud to be a member of the Magellan Seas Community, with access to the Iz's sailable Oceans!
Please use the picture links to the right and left to read more about Phantom Rose.
I welcome you here to explore and enjoy. I only ask that you respect the privacy of my Residents. Please check for which homes are available before entering any. There is a Rental area next to the Bird Sanctuary. It has a picture viewer of my rentals and a Landmark giver to the homes that are available and may be toured.
Thank you,
Lannorra Sion, Owner/Creator
Contact me at: